Research activity per year

Personal profile


I'm interested in archaeology, visiting musuems and art galleries. Hobbies include poetry and painting, and wild swimming and gardening with my family.


Research Interests

Research interests include mystical, anomalous and transpersonal experiences, clinical parapsychology and spirituality in epilepsy. I am also intersted in researching spirituality in psychotherapy and counselling, transpersonal practices in therapy, and the wounded healer.

Methodologies - narrative (particularly autoethnography), Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Reflexive Thematic Analysis.

External Roles

External Examiner - Alef Trust, MSc Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psycholog


Other Responsibilities

Course Leader - MSc Counselling

Co-Lead Exceptional Experiences and Consciousness Studies Special Interest Research Group

Programme Manager - Dublin Centre for Therapy and Counselling

Co-Chair Staff Disability Network


Fil Kinnersley, Psychology & Sociology

Piero Parasetti, Psychology & Sociology

Anne Haghues, Psychology & Sociology


Research Interests

Integration of psychedlic experiences and the wounded healer in therapy.

Exceptional and Transpersonal human experiences.

Qulitative research approaches.



Louise is an accredited Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor and is interested in the use of psychedelics for therapeutic treatement, and psychedelic integration. Her research interests are in the phenomenology of transpersonal, exceptional and paranormal experiences and their transformative nature. She is currently working on a University of Northampton Early Career Reward project in conjunction with colleagues at the University of Lorraine, France, The Epilepsy Society, UK, and Epilepsy Ireland. She is passionate about qualitative experience and engaging the voices of marginalised groups and individuals into research and society. She has contributed book chapters and a journal paper, and is working on publication of her PhD findings.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, A transpersonal exploration of spirituality in epilepsy, University of Northampton

1 May 20143 Dec 2021

Award Date: 8 Jul 2022

Master, M.A. Philosophy (Aesthetics & Arts), University of Essex

Award Date: 1 Jul 1993

Bachelor, B.A. (Hons) Philosophy, King's College London

Award Date: 1 Jul 1992

External positions

Executive Committee Member, International Network for the Study of Spirituality

2024 → …

External Examiner, Bishop Grosseteste University

1 Jul 2020 → …

External Examiner, Wealden Psychology Institute

1 Sept 2019 → …

External Examiner, University of East London

1 Oct 20181 Dec 2019

Professional Member, Parapsychological Association

22 Dec 0001 → …

Committee Member, BPS Transpersonal Section

31 Oct 0001 → …


  • BF Psychology
  • BL Religion
  • RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology


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