Personal profile


Simon Sneddon read law at Bournemouth University, and graduated with a 2:1 LLB (Hons) Business Law. Whilst an undergraduate, Simon spent a year working for the British Railways Board Solicitors Department in Euston, and completed two independent consultancy reports on waste management, based in the Czech Republic and Canada.

From there he went on to complete an MA in Environmental Law and Policy at the University of Keele, before moving to the University of Cambridge as a research assistant on a multidisciplinary project on environmental valuation. In 2018 he completed a second MA, in Education, with a dissertation looking at Technology Enhanced Learning 

From Cambridge, Simon came to the then University College Northampton in 2000, where he was a full time lecturer and part time PhD student. His PhD explored the decision making process in relation to nuclear power in the UK.

From 2011-17, Simon was on the editorial board for the e-journal Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education, and is currently a reviewer for the Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, and Trends in Organised Crime.

In 2013, the first edition of his book “LawExpress: Environmental Law” was published by Pearson, and a second edition was published in 2015.

Research Interests

Simon’s current primary research interest is the trafficking of commodities by organised criminal groups and terrorist organisations, and the links between organised crime and political corruption. 

He is also rsearching the links between environmental injustice and "green" technologies.

He is also active in researching learning and teaching researching, and has successfully completed six funded research projects in this area.

He is currently supervising four PhD students and one DBA student, and has three PhD completions.


Leila Benseddik; English and Creative Writing

Doctoral Research Project.


Chigoziri Jack-Osimiri; Law

Doctoral Research Project

Intellectual Property - Trademarks.


Nicholas Jenzen-Jones; Sociology and Criminology

Doctoral Research Project.


Teaching Interests

Simon is the LLM Programme Leader and will be the BA Law & Criminology Programme Leader from 2023..

He is the module leader for:

  • Biosphere Law (Level 5)
  • Organised Transnational Crime (Level 5)
  • Tort Law (Level 5)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Education/Academic qualification

Master, MA Education, University of Northampton

Award Date: 10 Feb 2019

PhD, Nuclear Unclear, University of Northampton

Award Date: 1 Feb 2011

Master, MA Environmental Law and Policy, Keele University

Award Date: 31 Jul 1998

Bachelor, LLB Business Law, Bournemouth University

Award Date: 31 Jul 1997

External positions

External Examiner, University of East London - University Campus of Football Business

23 May 202230 Sept 2025

External Examiner, Liverpool John Moores University

1 Oct 20181 Oct 2022

External Examiner, Buckinghamshire New University

1 Oct 20171 Oct 2021


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