Reflections on practice Co-created by experts and novices using video collaboration software.

Emma Whewell, Helen Caldwell, Helen Tiplady, Beth Garrett, Richard Byles, Thomas Briggs

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePoster


This talk will discuss how our project works with students to trial the use of video collaboration software for enabling reflective practice. This software provides an opportunity to record behaviour and interactions in any practice-based setting. It is often used to capture classroom-based teaching and learning. Practitioners can then use the video collaboration tools to reflect on their own teaching, give peer feedback or gain feedback from a mentor or tutor. The viability of the software is explored within Initial Teacher Training (ITT) as students co-create video content with postgraduate education students.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 8 Apr 2021
EventUKEdChat: Online Conference - online
Duration: 6 Apr 20218 Apr 2021


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